Setvsel APK

Setvsel APK latest Version Download 2025

App By:
1.51 For Android
Updated On:
Jun 28, 2024
669.6 KB
Required Android:
Android 6.0+

Motorola Defy Overclocking and Undervolting Tool.

While the screen is off, reduce the power consumption of the Akku and set the CPU scaling to the minimum.

Adjust the scaling to the utmost during an incoming phone call.

Adjust the scaling to medium when the battery is low.

Vsel can be configured for OnDemand or Performance using sets.

It incorporates a stability test to guarantee that your configurations are stable.

Required: ROOT

version 1.11

maybe 2.2 support (I am unable to test this, as it utilizes overclock,ko from milestone 2.2)

The dynamic addition of VSels now allows for the possibility of 4Vsel.

enhanced stability test

a few bug corrections

version 1.12

Currently, you have the choice of employing the StabilityTest or BuildIn Test from the Market.

Version 1.14

The OverclockModule from MilestoneOverclock is now loaded and utilized, provided that it is installed. (as a result of the unsupported ROM) Perhaps this approach is also applicable to droids and milestones.

It also examines /system/modules/overclock.Ko.... Therefore, I implore all RomCockers to submit a functioning overclock. Ko for your Rom in that folder;o)

Version 1.30

Currently, it functions on CN2.2.

The beta version includes a widget that displays the current CPU performance.

advertisements have been eliminated

The waiting dialog during initialization can be eliminated by conducting a donation search in the market for SetVsel(donate).

Version 1.31

  • bugfix for launch issues on certain smartphones
  • ultra-fast reboots are back; this time, they appear to be devoid of freezes.
  • menu item for reinstalling overclock.ko
  • additional logs to facilitate problem fixing

Version 1.32

  • bug fixes
  • CpuSpeedIcon may be included in the status bar as an option.

version 1.33

enhanced error management and logging capabilities

Hopefully, the force closes will be resolved. If not, please provide the logcat.

version 1.34

The UK 2.2 reboot has been resolved.

version 1.35

new CPU speed icon in gingerbread green ;)

version 1.36

bug fixes

The up_threshold parameter is adjustable.

You can quickly transition from scaling_governor to notification pulldown.

version 1.37

The option to set the up_threshold to 99% on low battery has been implemented.

version 1.38

correction of an error

version 1.39

The issue with the waiting dialog rotating on the screen has been resolved.

version 1.41

improvements in efficacy

version 1.42

bugfix when the icon set is modified

to version 1.43

The anomalous battery usage has been rectified!

version 1.45

  • Currently, it is possible to establish two battery limits. One for the threshold and one for the limit Vsel
  • For example, set up_threshold to 99 when the battery is 40% full and set the limit to vsel2 when the battery is 20% full.
  • additional on-the-fly options through the notification menu

version 1.47

  • a RED icon is displayed when both battery conditions are met

version 1.48

  • SD Card Speedfix has been incorporated.

version 1.50

  • added BatteryInfo to the NotifyBar in 1% steps

version 1.51

  • optionally apply "sysctl -w vm.min_free_kbytes=4096" @boot
  • minor bug improvements
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